Kubernetes Security 101

While getting stuff to just work is fun, I decided I couldn’t set up a cluster without at least giving some thought to security. Here’s my small attempt at a nominally useful security strategy.

By default, anything is allowed in Kubernetes. No, noone is stopping you. If you are on the node or in the cluster, you can contact *anything* in the cluster. This might be fine in a small home setup, but it doesn’t need to be advanced to be moderately useful.

Security rules comes in form of Network Policies. Since I am using Calico, I can choose between either stock network policies or the more powerful calico network policies. I decided to use the calico network policies.

Default Deny

The goal of any security policy in the end is denying anything that’s not specifically allowed. If you’re just starting your Kubernetes Cluster, it might in fact be a good idea to do that immediately. You can always override them with more relaxed rules while configuring your services’ network policies.

Default deny as in totally default deny might also be a bit harsh. Here’s a recommended version I found, that just excempts kubernetes system and core networking stuff from the network policy, but denying everything else. Oh, except DNS. We’ll allow DNS for everyone, because that’s such an integral part of Kubernetes.

So, here’s my current default deny policy:

apiVersion: projectcalico.org/v3
kind: GlobalNetworkPolicy
name: global-default-deny
order: 1000
namespaceSelector: kubernetes.io/metadata.name not in {"calico-system", "kube-public", "kube-system", "tigera-operator"}
- Ingress
- Egress
# allow all namespaces to communicate to DNS pods
- action: Allow
protocol: UDP
selector: 'k8s-app == "kube-dns"'
- 53
- action: Allow
protocol: TCP
selector: 'k8s-app == "kube-dns"'
- 53

Calico has the concept of a globalnetworkpolicy, that applies to your whole workload. Whatever isn’t matched with a specific match in the network policies you define will end up in this rule. It is generally a good idea of explicitly denying also in your workloads network policy , to try to make sure nothing ends in this policy. This is a last resort policy.

Structure your network policies

I’ve been a firewall admin at times. If it’s one thing you’ll regret, it’s allowing your security rules to become a mess. It will be hard to maintain, and the mess tends to grow. By no means will I suggest this is the only way, but it works for me.

For documenting and getting and overview, I try to keep my Kubernetes configuration in a file hierarchy where I have one directory per namespace. I try to avoid just creating something without saving the configuration here. So, I decided to keep my network policies in a file calicopolicy.yaml in each directory

Again using this blog as an example, I will outline my network policy

I will start off my namespace policy with another default deny rule

apiVersion: projectcalico.org/v3
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: default-deny
namespace: wordpress
- action: Deny
- action: Deny

This just denies everything, and is probably not particularly useful.

A tradeoff I have done so far it to allow anything in a namespace to talk to each other. I might improve on this later, but for me this is good enough. Here’s the policy for that:

apiVersion: projectcalico.org/v3
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: allow-all-in-namespace
namespace: wordpress # Change this to your namespace
- action: Allow
namespaceSelector: kubernetes.io/metadata.name == "wordpress" # Allows traffic from any pod in the same namespace
- action: Allow
namespaceSelector: kubernetes.io/metadata.name == "wordpress" # Allows traffic to any pod in the same namespace
selector: all() # Applies this policy to all pods in the namespace

Here, make sure the label kubernetes.io/metadata.name exists and equals wordpress

Then, we come to egress. I’m not restricting that either, so far:

apiVersion: projectcalico.org/v3
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: allow-egress
namespace: wordpress
order: 200
- action: Allow

Finally, we come to things I am restricting more: What enters the namespace. I want ingress traffic:

apiVersion: projectcalico.org/v3
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: allow-ingress-to-wordpress-service
namespace: wordpress
order: 300
- action: Allow
protocol: TCP
namespaceSelector: role == "ingress" # Only allow from ingress namespace
selector: app == "wordpress"
ports: [80] # Allow traffic to the Service (which forwards to 3000 internally)
selector: app == "wordpress"

I have labeled the traefik namespace with role = ingress, so we can filter on that.

Also, make sure the label app = «wordpress» exists on the wordpress pod(s).

Finally, metrics traffic, from the namespace with label role = «metrics»

apiVersion: projectcalico.org/v3
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: allow-metrics
namespace: wordpress
order: 400
- action: Allow
protocol: TCP
namespaceSelector: role == "metrics" # Only allow from ingress namespace
selector: app == "wordpress"
ports: [11011]
selector: app == "wordpress"

Note: The order here is the order in which they are executed. Generally I want more specific before more general rules, and make sure earlier rules doesn’t block for later rules.

Summary: Start off with something simple, just to get the applications to work. Once you are familiar with them, you can refine the policies. Sometimes, for example with wordpress, it’s obvious that the only intra-namespace traffic will be the app talking to the database, so you can replace the «allow-all-in-namespace» with

apiVersion: projectcalico.org/v3
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: allow-wordpress-to-database
namespace: wordpress # Change this to your namespace
- action: Allow
selector: app == "wordpress"
- action: Allow
selector: app == "mariadb"
ports: [3306]
selector: all() # Applies this policy to all pods in the namespace

Summary: Focus on the ingress, that will give you the most protection. The more knowledge you have on the application, the better policy can you make. But even a simple policy will give you security benefits.

And that’s all for now. There’s tons of possibilities with the security policies, so it will eventually come down to your own level of paraonia. For my personal setup, I’m not too worried, but it’s always good to catch the low hanging fruits with a simple network policy.

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